JSL Bible


Video Players & Editors


The Japanese Sign Language Bible in the palm of your hand!This application has been designed alongside Japanese Deaf people and provides a variety of features to make it easy for you to view the Bible in JSL. The videos are downloaded to your device so that you can also view the Bible when you are off line as well. All of the features have been designed to help you focus on your Bible reading.= Viewing the Bible =You can easily select the book, chapter and verse that you want to start and end viewing; for a devotional time, its easy to repeat the same passage again.As well as the basics functionality of play, pause, fast forward and rewind, you can also edit the playback speed so as to view it at a pace thats most convenient for your JSL ability.= Video notes =With a touch of a button you can record video annotations, allowing you to save a sign language note of the things you have learnt from the Bible passage. By annotating the passages with your own explanations, you can easily created your own study Bible.= Bookmarks =The bookmark features allows you to prepare the passages that you wish to view before a service and easily retrieve them afterwards.= History =Previous passage selections are saved allowing you to quickly access a passage from a previous devotional time.Copyright informationThe Japanese New Interconfessional Translation Bible text in this application is provided by permission of the copyright holder, the Japan Bible Society.The video of the JSL Bible is provided by permission of the copyright holder, the Japan Deaf Evangel Mission.The BIBLE, The New Interconfessional TranslationⓒExecutive Committee of Common Bible TranslationⓒJapan Bible Society 1987, 1988 The BIBLE, Japanese Sign Language Translation©Japan Deaf Evangel Mission 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015